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Detroit Diesel Engine Numbering

The Detroit Diesel Series 71 is a two-stroke diesel engine series, available in both inline and V configurations, manufactured by Detroit Diesel

The numbering is as follows:

  • first digit = number of cylinders
  • – or V = inline or vee
  • 2-digit series = 71
    • roughly corresponds to the nominal displacement per cylinder in cubic inches (i.e. 71 cu in)
  • Suffix = additional features
    • N = needle unit fuel injectors
    • T = turbocharger
    • TA = turbocharger with after-cooling
    • TT = Tailored Torque

Source: Wikipedia


So, a 6-71 is a V-configuration 6-cylinder 71 cu in engine.

6-71 vs. 6V-71

“A 6-71 engine will have two 3-cylinder heads in a row, a 6V-71 will have one 3-cylinder head on each side. The 6V-71 is roughly half the length of the 6-71.”

Source: Red Power Magazine Forum


Detroit Diesel Engines

“The Detroit Diesel Series 71 is a two-stroke diesel engine series, available in both inline and V configurations, manufactured by Detroit Diesel. The number 71 refers to the nominal displacement per cylinder in cubic inches, a rounding off of 70.93 cu in (1.2 L).

Inline models included one, two, three, four, and six cylinders, and the V-types six, eight, 12, 16, and 24 cylinders.”

Source: Wikipedia

6-71 vs 6V-71

“A 6-71 engine will have two 3-cylinder heads in a row, a 6V-71 will have one 3-cylinder head on each side. The 6V-71 is roughly half the length of the 6-71.”

Source: Red Power Magazine Forum

Pages on this site about 6V-71

#4708 – Santa Clara County Transit District

This GM TDH-5301 “New Look” was purchased new by Western Greyhound Lines in 1961.

It was later acquired by the Santa Clara County Transit District (San Jose, CA).

#4708 was was acquired by the Pacific Bus Museum in 1994.

2-Speed V-Drive Hydraulic, General Motors, General Motors, GM Truck & Coach Division, Greyhound, Intercity Coach, Santa Clara County Transit District (SCCTD), Western Greyhound Lines

Paddle Archives – Deep Dive: SunBus #1439

The PBM’s Archives contain a treasure trove of history. This series leverages the archives of the PBM’s membership newsletter, The Paddle, to dive deep into various stories.

Today’s Paddle Deep Dive is into the SunBus #1439.

SunBus #1439 Paddle Mentions

From the Pacific Bus Museum Paddle Archives, we have been able to document the following information:

1) 1994 – SunBus #1439 Donated

Allison, Flxible, SunLine Transit Agency

Paddle Archives mentioning 6V-71


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