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Pacific Bus Museum
Crown Record – 33819 – San Francisco Gray Line – 1958
- Builder: Crown Coach Corp
- Full VIN (Government): 33819
- VIN (Last 6 digits): 33819
- Serial # (Builder): 33819
- Production/Job #: 7829
- Coach Type:
- Model Name/Number: A-590-11
- Wheelbase:
- Engine Builder:
- Engine Fuel Type:
- Engine Make/Model:
- Engine Serial #:
- Gear Ratio:
- Sold By:
- Sale Date:
- Build Year: 1958
- Delivery Customer: San Francisco Gray Line
- Delivery Customer Contact Info:
- Pickup/Delivery Date:
- Customer Fleet #:
- Customer Location/Address: 425 4th St., San Francisco, CA
- $Cost:
- Coach Notes/Comments:
- Document Archives:
- Photo #’s:
- Archive Notes/Comments: —
- Data Source: Delivery flat files to 1980s
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