Visit us the 1st & 3rd Saturday of every month 10am-2pm
37974 Shinn St, Fremont, CA 94536 (No postal mail!)

Please send all postal mail to our PO BOX!

P.O. Box 601105 Sacramento, CA 95860-1105



The Pacific Bus Museum is more than just a garage full of old buses.

We also have an office full of old papers!


Rolling History & History Resource

But in all seriousness, our Archives have an impressive collection of historical documents that include original manufacturer bus records, transit company timetables, and the membership newsletter, The Paddle. 

If you are a Crown Coach owner, Contact Us. We have all the original records from the Crown Coach Corporation. We can tell you when your bus was made, who it was sold to, etc.

Our members are actively working to catalog, organize and digitize these records, but in the meantime, we know how to find what you need in all the old file cabinets.


  • Crown Coach Corporate Archives – Original records from the Crown Coach Corporation
  • Paddle Archives – Digitized copies of the PBM Members Newsletter
  • Digitized Archive Records – This page provides access to the various Archive items that have been digitize, except for the Crown and Paddle archives listed above. This digitial archive includes our Operator and Builder files that were based on the Robert Burrowes collection and supplimented with other items.


If you’re a researcher looking for something, Contact Us and let us know what you need.


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