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PBM – The Paddle: March/April 1995

Line 4, Run 2

  • Photos:
    • Market Street Railway #55, a Brill Trolley bus built in 1935
    • Western Greyhound Lines #9435 G.M. TDM 5103-036 built in 1951 originally for Pacific Greyhound Lines as K 1435
    • 1953 photo of Great Lakes Greyhound G 6955 as G.M. TDH 5106-029
  • In Memoriam Pacific Bus Museum member Kenneth Jenkins on March 12, 1995
  • PBM relocates coaches to a new location within the City of Industry CA
  • A"Meeting of Motor Coaches" to be held on Memorial Day Weekend
  • Work Parties in Williams - March 1995
  • More Coaches arrive in Williams CA
  • Bus Sleuths Solve Old Bus Mystery of the two Napa Charter Lines buses
  • Seattle Excursion Report - This just in!


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